Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm Getting Excited!

Guess what? I am learning all kinds of new stuff. Slowly but surely I am learning stuff around the house, like washing my hands (WHICH I LOVE!) and closing the fridge for papa.

Mama is trying to get me to try new foods and even though I HATE veggies and fruit (they are too squishy and moist) she is giving me vitamins in the morning and a yummy nutritional drink after day care. She also found these veggie chips that I really like! I love juice, so mama found a juice that has fruit AND veggie juice in it- I can't even TASTE the veggies! Its good.

My little bro found his thumb two days ago... I guess that means mama and papa have two thumb-suckers now!

I can't wait to go to the park and go swimming! I also love the rock garden and blowing bubbles.

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