Sunday, December 13, 2009

Operation Sleepover Was a Success!

Its me, Felix!

Lars and I spent the night at Mama's new house for the first time last night. We were such good boys and went to bed so nice. I slept in Mama's bed, since I'm used to sleeping in my own room, and Mama and Lars slept in the living room. I slept through the night, and Lars only woke up once for a minute to make sure Mama was next to him. Then we woke up like little angels right at 7:30am this morning.

My new favorite thing is putting objects like popsicle sticks and Hanukkah candles behind the radiator. I got in big trouble with Mama a couple times. We watched "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2" which we both liked (especially Lars), got more Hanukkah presents (my favorite was a foam puzzle- I like stacking up the pieces), and Lars and I both munched on mixed greens, pomegranate and other new foods.

Digga Digga,


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